Keith David Chagnon Obituary | Dec 28, 2024 | Albuquerque, NM (2025)

Keith David Chagnon, 36, passed away on Saturday, December 28, 2024, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Keith is survived and terribly missed by his devoted and loving parents Veronica and Dave, sister Kyla and her husband Christopher, nieces: Harlow, Zoe, nephew Rory Skinner, Godparents Manny and Annette Esparza and many, many caring and devoted friends and coworkers.

We were blessed with the birth of our son, Keith David Chagnon, on December 22, 1988—later to find that he was supposed to be a New Year’s baby and taken from Mama a bit too soon. How appropriate that would have been—as Keith always loved the Christmas/New Year’s holidays.

He was the one who always got us ready in the spirit for the holidays. He’d get so excited about decorating and preparing.

Keith attended Queen of Heaven School and later St Pius High School. Everyone knew Keith—he was a “people person”—easily speaking to anyone he met.

Whether it was at the grocery store standing in line, or at an Isotopes baseball game, in the mall walking around, or in passing wherever he might be at the time—he’d strike up a conversation.

Keith found the good in everyone he met throughout his life. It was a big part of his personality. I don’t feel it was anything “learned” –it was who Keith was.

He loved baseball and basketball and excelled in both playing since 3rd grade and on through high school. Being ambidextrous, he had a bit of an advantage and had fun with it in both baseball and basketball. He loved snowboarding—and after receiving his first lesson took off with it—going as often as possible with his sister. For a while, he thought about making it his goal to get good enough to enter competitions.

In the last 2.5 years, I have been battling with and trying to cope with digestive, and intestinal problems –undergoing 5 major surgeries and numerous hospital stays for testing and treatment. Through it all, my husband, Dave, and Keith have been there for me every step of the way.

While Dave had to work and would go on travel here and there, Keith made it a point to learn and ready the IVs necessary to sustain my nutrition and dehydration issues on a daily basis.

I knew I always came first—both Dave and Keith’s lives were on hold as was mine and we lived and carried on best we could. I know it was extremely hard for them with working and then coming home to help me out.

Through these many months after the last surgery, there was never a complaint, or sigh, or negative comment directed at me for what I had done to their lives as they once knew it. Keith was forever checking on me from work, asking if I needed anything and letting me know he’d be home soon.

Keith helped us around the house as well –knowing I was unable to do the simple tasks I used to in keeping the house clean and kept up.

Fortunately, in the last few months, I’ve been IV free and able to help and do and make suppers that Keith and Dave loved.

Keith’s willing to help carried on to whatever and wherever he was—work, school, and home. He loved his job and the people he worked with—talking about his “adventures” at work often.

Keith loved all kinds of music and was intent on trying to translate the Mexican songs he liked that he’d listen to while at work in the trucks. Songs they’d listen to while driving from job site to job site with his coworkers. He’d play the songs over and over for me. It was funny…

He made friends easily and had so many.

Keith would help out our neighbors often—whether it be a car problem, or needing a jump, or an air conditioning problem in the heat of summer, or even mowing and edging a lawn, watching their houses while they went on vacation, or something as small as putting their trashcans to the curb on trash days.

Helping to put out the 900+ luminarias for our annual neighborhood block Luminaria Tour was something he helped with every year and loved visiting with the neighbors in the process.

Last year, he even took it upon himself to learn how to make Biscochitos from scratch. He did a great job—and made several batches that he later delivered to the neighbors on Christmas Eve.

Our son will be missed especially for the joy he brought to so many—never an unkind word, never judging.

Dave and I will never hear that happy, contagious laugh again—his laughter filled the room

Dave and I will never experience the love he had for us when he gave us his big hugs—always followed with an “I love you” attached.

Our family will forever miss his voice, his love, his goodness that he shared so freely with us and everyone he encountered.

Keith was very, very loved by his family—his sister, his brother in law, his nieces and nephew, who looked up to him, his aunts and uncles, his loving Godparents, and by his Grandpa, who recently passed in February.

Unconditional and forever love…

Unending pride for his devotion and perseverance in all his endeavors…

…is what, we, his parents, and his family had for this beautiful son of ours, Keith David Chagnon.

We will embrace the many happy memories and joy he brought us in his very short 36 years…

Forever in our hearts and in our thoughts. Forever gone from us, but never ever forgotten…

May our “Son Son” rest with Father God, our Mother, the most holy Virgin Mary, draping him in her mantle, surrounded by angels

In closing, pray TO Keith and ask him to share a little of that forever peace he’s experiencing-- with all of us…

We all need peace in our lives…

(Mama and Daddio miss and love you, baby boy…)

Keith's Life Celebration will begin with a Rosary to be recited on Thursday, January 9, 2025, at 6:30 p.m. at Reflections Chapel located at 2400 Washington St NE, 87110. Mass will be held on Friday, January 10, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. at Shrine of the Little Flower St. Therese of the Infant Jesus Catholic Church located on 3424 Fourth St NW, 87107.

The family would like to thank the Water Authority for providing Keith with opportunities and a job he was very proud to have and report to everyday, as well as the Vanguard team for the help, care, and support they provided Keith.

To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Keith David Chagnon, please visit our floral store.

Keith David Chagnon Obituary | Dec 28, 2024 | Albuquerque, NM (2025)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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